We started our last stage in Axum, the old capital from the Aksumite Empire ( 100 - 940 AD). Big obelisk's witness still the former greatness of Ethiopia's kingdom...

This obelisk has been returned from Italy just a few years ago, as Mussolini's troups have taken it to Rome...

...probably the most controversal building in Ethiopia: St. Mary of Zion. It is said to house the Ark of the Covenant - figuring most prominently in the Old Testament....

...we were lucky to see the priest - he rarely makes an appearance as he spends his entire life in retreat guarding the sacred object...

..after the presentation (which took place in the Tigray language, not in Amharic - the national language) the kids formed a circle at the school grounds...

...leaving Axum behind, we started our journey southwards - to close the circle all around Ethiopia.

...and very bad! Over 150km of dirt road under construction - going up and down through the most remote mountain region in Ethiopia. The 150 km took us 10 hours!!!

...the Simien Mountains, Ethiopia's highest peaks - over 4500m. If it wouldn't have been for the bad roads, this part revealed the most beautiful region of Ethiopia.

...Bahir Dar: a beautiful sunset on Lake Tana. The lake is the source of the Blue Nile. It provides 80% of the water for the Nile when it unites with the White Nile in Khartoum, Sudan.