As we met together with all the guides and porters this morning we sang the "Thank you" song for them and they sang their Kilimanjaro song for us - very sweet.

Close to the gate two boys came to the road and showed us chameleons they have found in the forest. An easy way to earn some shillings...
(they wanted dollars actually..)

After lunch we got on the bus and drove back to Arusha. But before we could go to our celebration-dinner there was still one quite important thing to ogranize: tipping the guides and porters.
Since they get only very little money from the tour operators they really depend on the tips from the climbers. This was quite a challenge in terms of organisation and distribution because we had 6 guides, 2 cooks, one waiter and over 35 porters accompaning us and each of them should get a different tip. The matter was complicated further by the fact we had 3 currencies to deal with: euros, US dollars and Tanzanian shillings. But in the end everything went well and I think everybody was quite happy.
We even organized a small lottery of the things we wanted to leave to our new friends as a present.
Then we went to our well deserved (and late) dinner.