Our team of approximately 30 international runners from at least 15 different countries piled out of two 12 seater vans to mark the official beginning of Peace Run Phuket, Thailand 2014!!

Our first stop was Wasnwan Kilwong School in Patong Beach, where we were eagerly greeted by several hundred smiling children.

We all sang the World Harmony Run song, and although the kids could not really sing the words, they were not afraid to join in with the actions

We all introduced our countries, which was fascinating for the children. Salil, from Australia, is about to hand over to Danival, from Iceland.

A group photo to finish, thank you so much to all the teachers and students of Wasnwan Kilwong School for sharing your enthusiastic and sweet love of Peace with our team!

Our next stop was Ban Sainamyen Municipality School, also in Patong Beach. We were impressed and delighted that a painted stage backdrop awaited us, celebrating the 27th Anniversary of the Peace Run. This was especially impressive given the fact that the school only had two days advance notice of our visit!

With a little time before the ceremony began, we quickly depleted all surrounding coconut supplies, as you do in Thailand!

Yu was our translator, and here she is attempting to teach us how to say "Peace begins with me" in Thai..

Vladimir from Russia is a mime expert and gave the children so much joy getting them involved with skits and games.

These children were so soulful and quiet it was hard to believe they were the same kids that were jumping up and down and laughing moments earlier!

Thank you so much to all of the children and teachers from Ban Sainamyen School who gave us so much joy by so enthusiastically and soulfully taking part in the Peace Run, sharing their own hopes and dreams for Peace.
What a beautiful afternoon of Oneness-Happiness for our international team in Thailand.