The official opening day of Peace Run Europe 2014 began with beautiful weather in Lisbon, Portugal...

Breakfast with the officers of Pupilos Do Exercito military school which kindly hosted our running team last night.

Children from ten different schools ranging from primary to high school level assembled at the Estadio Universitario De Lisboa (a stadium frequented by many Olympic athletes) for our opening event in Lisbon.

Joined by schoolchildren carrying a range of European flags, the Peace Run team waits for the signal to run into the stadium.

Vereador Do Desporto De Lisboa Dr. Jorge Maximo, the Deputy Mayor, received the Peace Torch on behalf of Lisbon and welcomed the runners to the city.

Jorge Pina, a well-known member of our Peace Run team, makes a wish for peace. He is a former boxing champion and currently a top marathon runner.

Jorge passes the torch to another very good friend of the Peace Run, Olympic judo champion Nuno Delgado.

Filipa Elvas is an ultra-runner who recently ran the entire length of the Great Wall of China. This is the first time she held the Peace Torch.

"We are runners, not singers" Dipavajan (third from left) warned the crowd, before leading the team in a hearty rendition of the Peace Run anthem.

Another school followed with a charming instrumental arrangement of the immortal running song, "Chariots of Fire".

Antonio (left) and Anita (right) provided essential assistance to our activities in East Timor. They are pictured here with Florbela (centre), national coordinator of the Peace Run in Portugal.

Peace doves fly overhead, signalling the start of our seven month running odyssey across 48 European states.

All the team members, children, teachers and VIPs ran once around the track before the Peace Torch left the stadium.

Out on the streets of Lisbon with Jorge and Riccardo, who joined our team for its visit to the very first primary school...