...to meet some children from Colegio Minerva who had come to school even though it was Saturday just so they could hold the Peace Torch!

At the next town of Coina, we were joined by the Moto Club do Seixal and the Moto Club de Corroios local motorbike clubs.

At the outskirts of Seixal, we were greeted by members of the Fundacão Benfica Athletic Foundation...

Upon reaching the main street of Seixal, we were greeted by top city representatives and welcomed with some traditional Portuguese drumming (Toca Rufar)

We are very grateful to the local police force, who safely escorted our many participants through the Seixal area.

.....thanks also to Seixal's motorbike clubs who inspired us to run faster so that we could keep up with them...

The Peace Torch continues its 24,000 kilometre journey. There is still a great distance to cover today...

Palmela's Mayor Alvaro Amaro (second from right) was waiting at the castle to warmly welcome our team.