We left Bosnia and Herzegovina behind as we crossed the bridge over the Sava in Gradiška. It was time for us to say good bye to Amur, our Bosnian coordinator.
Ostavili smo Bosnu i Hercegovinu kako smo prešli mostom Savu u Gradiški. Oprostili smo se od Amura, našeg bosanskog koordinatora.

City representatives of Gradiška carried the torch onto the bridge, which marks the border...
Predstavnik Gradiške ponio je baklju na most, koji označava granicu...

A group picture and the torch officially entered Croatia.
Grupna slika a baklja je službeno ušla u Hrvatsku

Our first meeting: the school in Stara Gradiška. It was a lovely small school with very cheerful kids.
Naš prvi doček: škola u Staroj Gradišci. To je bila mala dražesna škola sa radosnom djecom.

...it was real fun to run with the kids through the grass...
...bilo je zabavno trčati sa djecom kroz travu...

...and we reached Okučani. Pupils in traditional costumes greeted us...
...stigli smo u Okučane. Djeca u tradicionalnim nošnjama su nas pozdravila...

...the first part of the meeting took place in front of the school.
...prvi dio prijema odigrao se ispred škole.

...and then the school's program continued in the gym hall.
...školski program nastavio se u dvorani...

The Croatian kids proofed to be really athletic: in each place we had runners who carried the torch into their community.

A big thank you to the community and to the school! The deputy mayor and the principal together held the torch.
Velika zahvala zajednici i školi! Zamjenik gradonačelnika i ravnateljica škole zajedno drže baklju.