Our next stop was Children's School at Sylvia Circle. Here the school's running club joins the girls' team for the run into the school

The school children read out their poems about peace.
"What is peace to you? Is peace when people are quiet? Or is it when people get along? Whatever peace is to you, you need to spread it. You can spread it by smiling or even just complementing someone. Its as easy as that. If more people are nice to each other the world would be a better place." (read by Catherine Oliver)

The men's team start their afternoon running towards Columbia, SC. South Carolina state motto: "While I breathe, I hope".

Gratitude to Country Hearth Inn & Suites for accommodating us in beautiful Columbia, SC

Our mens team were delighted to be accomodated for the evening at the beautiful Marriot Coutyard in Columbia. Sadly we mislaid our photo of the team at the hotel, so instead we are showing how nice their room was!