Early this morning we were invited to the Columbia Lake Murray Irmo Rotary Club. They kindly treated us to a delicious breakfast and allowed us to share our message of peace with them.

Afterwards we passed the torch to all the members as they offered their wishes and prayers for peace.

We are very grateful to Brooks Williams and our Peace Run coordinator for South Carolina, Bill Haas, for arranging this wonderful meeting.

Some of the members of the Rotary Club were very happy to hold the torch and share their own goodwill with us.

This young lady won Student of the Month at her local school. Her dad and school Principal are very proud of her as they should be. Not only is she an exemplary student but she has also demonstrated leadership and creative qualities as well.

A happy Peace Run team at the Rotary Club. Harita is taking the photo so she is not in the picture. We currently have 3 men and 6 women on the team.

This kind gentleman stopped to find out what the women were doing the other day as they ran in North Carolina. He was so inspired that he treated them to some cold soft drinks.

Our two schools of the day, Sandhills Primary and Sandhills Elementary, had made many signs to welcome us including this creative cup design sign built into the fence.

The children social worker, Catherine 'Mac', escorted us into the school of 1100 eagerly awaiting children.

The hallways were full of peace related quotes from famous people including two quotes from the Founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy.

The school just had a 'Peace Week' where they studied how peace is manifested in various parts of the world.

All of the hallways were lined with children greeted us enthusiastically as we ran through the school.

This group of girls and women teachers called ' SES Girls on the Run' performed a song for us. They all just ran a 5Km or 3.1 mile race last week, in tutus. Principal of the Primary School Lisa Evans (second from left), proudly joins this energetic group of girls.

The Torch Bearer Award is presented to the SES Girls on the Run for their encouragement and achievements in running local race events.

A second ceremony also filled the cafeteria with the older children from the third and fourth grades.

Mrs. PJ Calvert's class received the Torch Bearer Award for their work on building a Peace Garden outside the school.

This Peace pole with the saying, 'May Peace Prevail On Earth' in various languages was part of their Peace Garden.

The children had an opportunity to offer their goodwill and wishes for peace as they left the ceremony.

Teachers and Principals of both schools, the Primary and the Elementary Schools, were quite happy with the whole event.