The start of the Peace Run in the City of Zurich was at the Technical University Hönggerberg on the Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile. On the left side in orange jacket Roman Gschwend, triathlete and endurance athlete holding the torch with the International Peace Run Team.

"Handshake for Peace" between former Fifa Referee Massimo Busacca and the European Peace Run coordinator Dipavajan Renner

Next stop was at the Chinese Garden in Zurich, which is a gift from Zurich´s partner city Kunming in China.

Arrival at the "Bürkliplatz" for a special reception of the European Peace Run. 25 years ago on the same place the City of Zurich had welcomed the Peace Run.

Olivier Bernhard: "I salute the runners that are covering in Europe 24,000 km from Lisbon to Belgrade - in the name of peace, friendship and international oneness!"

Our honored guests, from left, representative of Consul General of Serbia, city council member Gerold Lauber, Consul General of Crotia and Consul General of Latvia.

City council member Gerold Lauber, on the left, with Consul General of Croatia, Mr Hrvoje Cvitanovic