Two runners, Dennis and Arpan, resting their legs before our first ceremony at the Orlando City Hall this morning.

We gave them a bit of information as to how we got there from New York and where we are going after we leave there.

Commissioner Lynum receives the Torch Bearer Award for her outstanding service to the community for many years.

Some of the children read out peace poems with the help of Ashley Sanchez, the Physical Education teacher who kindly helped to organize the event.

Presenting Dr. Porter Smith, Principal at the Nap School, with a Certificate of Appreciation and a gift of Harmony paintings by Sri Chinmoy, the Founder of the Peace Run.

Later in the day we were greeted by Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs who offered us a Proclamation designating this day as Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day in Orlando.

Donna Wyche, Division Manager from the Health Services Department of Orange County shares a moment of Peace with us as she holds the torch. She deals with mental health and homeless issues in the Orlando area.

After lunch we met at the Sri Chinmoy Peace Tree in nearby Sanford which was dedicated a year ago at beautiful Fort Mellon Park.

Our team and children from Layer Elementary School of Winter Springs, including their Principal, Kelly Novak, meet us there and help carry the torch to the next location.

Mayor Triplett offers his kind words of wisdom on peace and harmony in the community. He also offered a letter of support for Sri Chinmoy's 50 years of manifestations for peace in the world.

These runners from the Layer Elementary School proudly display their Certificates of Appreciation as well.

Later today we ran the torch to Layer Elementary School in Winter Springs, Seminole County, where hundreds of children with signs and costumes were eagerly awaiting our arrival.

After one lap with the torch all of the children and teachers joined us for a lap in a colorful international parade in which many countries were creatively represented.

After the parade we had a nice ceremony in the back of the school. Peace poems were read out in their own languages by some of the children.

Our skits always give the children a chuckle and a chance to judge whether we are displaying harmony and peace or not.

Principal Kelly Novak most deservedly gets our Certificate of Appreciation for her tremendous work with the children and staff here at Layer Elementary.

Some of our team members ran the torch through Lake Mary to the town center park where we were greeted by the Mayor and others from the community.

Our final event of the day was a Peace Walk and ceremony with Lake Mary Mayor David Mealor and some of the townsfolk and children.

In the museum we were treated to displays of some books and artwork of Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

We introduced ourselves in customary fashion, having the people guess where we are from, with a few hints.

Executive Director of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida, James Coffin, offers his kind words and a letter of support for Sri Chinmoy's 50 years of peace manifestation.

Michael and Sheila Kramer, owners of the Lake Mary Life Magazine, receive the Torch Bearer Award for their hard work and outstanding service to the community.

Sheila Kramer offers Tina Calderon our Torch Bearer Award. Tina is from the Seminole County Board of Education and has instituted many programs for children over the years.

Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger receives the Torch Bearer Award for his tireless service for many decades to help protect the people of his community including Lake Mary.

Jeanne Gold receives the Torch Bearer Award for her many years of tireless efforts creating the Safe House, a refuge for abused and homeless women and children in Seminole County.

Lake Mary Police Chief Steve Bracknell receives the Torch Bearer Award for his dedication preserving the safety and well-being of the citizens of Lake Mary and in this way fostering peace in our community.

Our dynamic coordinator Santiva Morrison, who arranged everything for us today, honors Commissioner Allan F. Plank, who recently passed away, for his public service to the community. He was the chairman of the Lake Mary Historical Museum among many other contributions to the community. He will be sadly missed.

Mayor Mealor offers this special Torch Bearer Award award for the late Allan Plank to Jane Kenovich, President of the Historical Society of Lake Mary. Jane also prepared some of the meal for us today along with her daughter Jennifer who is a professional chef. Jacob Acevedo, who received the Torch Bearer Award, is Jennifer's son and Jane's grandson.