Safety Harbor Resort and Spa very generously accomodated our womens team for two nights. This is an iconic location and we wished we could have stayed longer- thank you so much!

We were very happy to have a number of local team members join us for our day in Tampa. Pictured here is Lunthita from Hialeah, Florida. She is obviously thrilled to be on the way to our first ceremony of the day at Suncoast Waldorf School in Palm Harbour.

Also joining us was our good friend Cathy Oerter, co-founder of Art of the Olympians and wife of the late Olympic great, Al Oerter. Cathy drove up from Fort Myers especially to join us for the day

Cathy spoke about the important role that art plays in expediting peace on earth. She brought with her examples of artwork by Olympians and told the children that the ancient Olympic Games included medals for artwork and other forms of creativity.

Cathy came from Fort Myers with her good friend, Leslie Bush, who won a gold medal for diving in the 1964 Olympic Games. Leslie brought her gold medal to show the children, and told them that her best memory of the Olympics was not winning the gold medal, but being in a harmonious environment with people from all different countries of the world.

We presented a piece of artwork entitled "Happiness" by Sri Chinmoy to the school, along with our certificate of appreciation.

Despite the heat, we enjoyed our run and were having such a nice time running together that 3 miles was over all too soon!

The older students wrote some truly beautiful and moving poems on peace which they kindly read aloud.

They also performed a fantastic dance on the theme of happiness which many of the children took part in.

Thank you Palm Harbour Montessori School for your enthusiastic, inspiring and heart-felt contributions which are truly making the world a more peaceful place.

Thank you so much to Consciousness-Blossoms owner and local Florida coordinator, Tilvilla Hewitt, (pictured far left), and the hard working team of servers!

Oldsmar City Hall have an exhibition of paintings by Sri Chinmoys on display which we were lucky enough to have time to view.

We split the team for the afternoon. Team A visited Mattie Williams Neighbourhood Center after school programme.

We were happy to have local Peace Runner, Nancy, and our latest addition to the team, Kalyanika, fresh off the plane from New York! Kalyanika is joining the team until St Louis.

Next was Safety Harbor Community Centre After School Programme. Some of these kids knew us from previous visits.

We were happy to learn that the Safety Harbor Community Centre puts a strong emphasis on being like a family, just like us.

We had dinner at the beautiful Consciousness-Blossoms Gift Store. Pictured is the transitioning girls team. Sadly we are saying goodbye to Abhejali the great, who heads home to Czech Republic tomorrow. We will all miss her wonderful team presence, but are happy to have Phaedra rejoining the team, and Kalyanika, on the far right!

Tilvilla showing the living flowers that match the wall pictures inside the beautiful Consciousness-Blossoms Giftstore.