Last night it was very cold and rainy as we were supposed to camp out with tents. Bobby, from Reelfoot Inn, saved us as he offered us three rooms there at a very good price. It was a very nice place to stay near the Lake Reelfoot.

We will miss Kalyanika who has to go back home tomorrow. She was a strong and important member of the team since Florida. On her run today she met some of these nice people along the way.

Unfortunately Phaedra(left), is also leaving us in St. Louis tomorrow. She was on the team for a few weeks and will be sadly missed. Kevin, the owner of Higher Ground Cafe in Union City, kindly offered the whole team drinks and food this afternoon.

The men's team also were treated at Higher Ground. The very friendly and helpful employees shared the torch with us.

In Clinton, Kentucky Gaye came out to hold the torch and do an interview with some of the men's team for the Hickman County Times Newspaper.

Daniel Richardson, the editor of the Hickman County Gazette, also came out in Clinton to cover the story of the Peace Run coming through town. They also had an article about us before we came as well.

In Clinton we also met this two charming ladies, Latisha and Ruby, who held the torch to make a wish for peace. They are mother and daughter.

This cross was completed about 15 years ago as it stands on the banks of the Mississippi River in Wickliffe at Fort Jefferson Park. It can nbe seen from three states: Kentucky, Illinois, and Ohio.

At the end of our run in Bardwell, Kentucky, Kaye Presson of the Carlisle Weekly newspaper was there to cover the story as well. We are so grateful to all the journalists who come out to spread the peace by spreading the news of the Peace Run and its mission.

After our run we stopped at the Wickliffe Mounds, a historical site of Native Americans who had built large mounds as part of their ceremonial sites and living spaces about 1,000 years ago.