Greetings from the Faroe Islands!
After all the boys almost forgot their passports, we finally made it to a wet gate at the Reykjavik airport.
Hilsner fra Færöerne.
Vi nåede flyet til Færöerne selvom drengene næsten glemte deres pas.

We were lucky to make it, as the fog had temporarily closed the airport both before and after our arrival.
Vi var heldige at kunne lande, da tåge lukkede lufthavnen midlertidligt lige inden og efter vores ankomst.

Our good friends from our last visit two years ago...
Vores gode venner fra det sidste besög på Færöerne.

Hallur Holm and his mother Katrin Holm. They kindly met us at the airport with our transport and navigated us through the fog.
Hallur Holm og hans mor Katrin Holm. De mödte os i lufthavnen med biler til os og hjalp os at finde vej gennem tågen.

Then it was straight on to the ferry, bound for the island of Suðuroy
Vi tog direkte til færgen til Suðuroy.

Arriving at the Southernmost island of the Faroe Islands.
Ankomst til det sydligste punkt af Færöerne