After a wonderful team breakfast especially prepared at Jyoti-Bihanga restaurant, our first stop of the day was at Harborside Elementary school in Chula Vista, San Diego.

The school secretary, Patty Montoy, was asked to join the school soccer team and run in the torch to officially begin the ceremony. She was very honored to be chosen.

Dennis is the youngest member of our team and he loves spending time with the children-they love him also!

We were delighted that the mayor of Chula Vista, Cheryl Cox, came to our ceremony. She did a great exercise with the children about peace and happiness which complimented our programme wonderfully!

The Torch Bearer award was given to two special children for their outstanding behaviour. Pictured here is Gilbert.

Two parents also received the award for their inspired contributions to the school and community. Ana De Leon is pictured here.

Patty Montoy, the School Secretary who ran the torch in, also received an award. Patty is pictured with her daughter, Pilar, who was the first Torch Bearer recipient from Harborside in 2008. She is a senior in High School and came especially to see her mother get the award.

We were so happy that the former school principal, Matthew Tessie, (who was present for our last two Peace Run Ceremonies), pictured here with Patty Montoy and Harita, came especially to be part of our presentation, thank you!

National City mayor, Ron Morrison, offered some kind and heart felt words about the importance of peace, and also presented the Torch Bearer Award to two members of the local community.

The second Mayors choice was Jesse Ramirez, pictured here with his son and daughter. Jesse spoke humbly and beautifully of his love and dedication to the children and people of National City.

Two Kimball Elementary teachers, Dawn Salisbury and Angelo Franco, pictured centre, were also give the Torch Bearer Award by the school principal, Sonia Ruan, pictured left. National City Mayor, Ron Morrison, joined the inspirational group.

These two students, Jonathon Martinez and Michelle Diaz, also received the award for their inspirational service at school.

This long serving teacher, Stephanie, is pictured wearing the Torch Bearer Award she received when the team last visited Kimball Elementary!

Our final event of the day was a special presentation at Pilgrimmage of the Heart Yoga Studio, in Normal Heights. Pictured here is studio owner, Sujantra McKeever, who introduced the team.

We spoke about the goals of the Peace Run and some team members shared their experiences in various perts of the world.

Local Peace Runner, Devendra Cheatham, spoke about his experiences running in Africa. Devendra volunteers his time to source accomodation for the team for the entire 4 months of the run. This is a huge undertaking, and we are all unexpressibly grateful to him!

Jyoti-Bihanga Restaurant kindly provided a generous selection of delicious refreshments for the guests and team at the end of the presentation!

We were so happy to eat, drink, and spend time speaking with a wonderful group of peace-loving individuals!