We began our second day in Mexico visiting Orfanatorio Emmanuel, an orphanage for young boys in Tijuana.

The orphanage has a sister branch which we were so happy to sponaneously squeeze into our busy schedule. This orphanage was mostly girls.

Thank you to the two branches of Orfanatorio Emmanuel for sharing your sweet hearts with us this morning.

After a quick stop at the market for fresh coconuts, we were onto Escuela Primaria Federal Cuitlahuac, a small school of super sweet kids!

We were happy to be able to offer so many certificates and artworks to all our new friends while we were in Mexico!

We were so happy that our new friend from yesterday, Miraya, came back today to attend our ceremony with her daughter, Andrea. Miraya also gave us a bag of running t shirts from Mexican races, thank you so much!

As soon as the kids saw us taking a photo at the gate with Mariya and Andrea, they were all running to be in the photo!

In a short break between ceremonies, Sanmati took us all out for an amazing authentic Mexican meal, DELICIOUS!!