We had a large group of runners offering our program to a large and very enthrusiastic audience of children and staff out on the play ground.

One of the Torch Bearer Award recipients whose kindness and service to the school deserves much recognition.

There were four Awardees today along with Derek Murchison, the Principal who received the Award last time we came to visit.

Harita leads the children in a Peace Run around the playground as the children take turns carrying the Torch.

Our next school was in the afternoon. Toby Dorion carries the torch as his dad, Mark, joins him. They came all the way from El Paso, Texas to join us today.

Jennifer, from San Diego, reads out a Proclamation from Senator Diane Feintstein declaring this day Peace Run day in San Diego.

Three awardees of our Torch Bearer Award with Principal McGrade of the Adams School. These volunteers and staff members offered very helpful and valuable services to the school over the years.

The women's team at Jyoti Bihanga Restaurant with Pranlobha (center), who sadly had to leave us today to go back home to work. We are very grateful to her and her brother Antara-Prabhat who also left today for home. We are extremely grateful to Mahiyan and the staff at Jyoti Bihanga for feeding us sumptuously with incredible food all these days we spent in San Diego.

In the evening we were entertained by Shambhu Neil Vineberg, the first Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run from 1987 through 2001. His wonderful performance was held in Papaha's Art Gallery which displayed many beautiful and colorful forms of art and photography related to the Peace Run.