Some of the women's team spent the night at the Gualala Country Inn. They are grateful for such nice accommodations at a reduced rate.

Friendly biker shares the torch while biking from Seattle to San Francisco. He's from Chicago and enjoy's eating at Victory's Banner, a vegetarian restaurant that I worked in for 10 years.

Palash enjoys the coastal route which follows the Pacific Ocean for many miles and many days of running.

Kaneenika enjoys the wide open spaces after having won a ten-day race in New York in April on a one-mile loop. She ran 727 miles in ten days!! Maybe we can let her carry the torch all the way up to Seattle.

Cheryl Zwarkowski and a friend happily share the torch. Cheryl is running from Oregon to Mexico as she met one of our women's teams on the road. It is always uplifting to meet people at the end of the day who wish to offer their goodwill and wishes for peace, especially long distance runners who happen to cross our path.