The Peace Run offers a very hearfelt and warm "thank you" to the Motel 6 in Fort Bragg for sponsoring the team's accommodation for an evening.

The Holiday Inn Express at Fort Bragg also hosted us for a night, to whom the Peace Run extends a very heartfelt thank you as well!

Well wishers always have an opportunity to hold the Peace Torch and make a wish for inner and outer peace!

The girls' team examined an enormous, upturned redwood tree along the route that seemed to be in different states of decomposition. Some parts on the outside were moldy and crumbling, while some roots on the bottom appeared to be petrifying!

Kim and Asher greet the Peace Run at the College of the Redwoods. The College of the Redwoods very kindly allowed the Peace Runners to use their facilities at the end of the day! We are very grateful to the school for their kindness!

Terri, a wonderful teacher at the Redwood Coast Montessori School, was the inspiration behind the ceremony. Touched by the message of the Peace Run, she very kindly invited us to host a ceremony at the school.

Peace Runners and Montessori students gathered round in a circle to sings songs about, as well as meditate on, peace.

Jennifer presents a Jharna Kala painting composed by the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy, to the Redwood Coast Montessori School. The title of the painting is "Imagine Peace, Here and Now."