Crescent City KOA provided the team with a wonderful complimentary stay in their beautiful campground for the night. Thank you for the peaceful nights sleep under the stars.

We arrived at the home of our dear friend and five time Mr. Universe Mahasamrat Bill Pearl and his wife Bhavatarini/Judy.

We were treated to a homemade lunch that included all of our favorite dishes. We are so grateful to all of Mahasamrat and Bhavatarini's friends and neighbors who cooked and greeted us with such enthusiasm!

Sitting in their lovely garden enjoying each other's company as well as the spectacular Oregon weather was wonderful.

Mahasamrat shared amazing stories with us about his dear friend and founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy. The team felt inspired by his wisdom and athletic discipline.

After the lunch we were offered delicious chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies from a special Pearl family recipe.

Jan and Jim Mess and the adorable Gigi the dog. Jim has been Mahasamrat's weightlifting training partner for over thirty years.

Rance and Marilyn Darity from Pennsylvania. Rance is a masters level bodybuilder himself and a longtime admirer of Mahasamrat Bill Pearl.

The orchard has many fruit trees, including apple and cherry trees that make a tempting treat for the deer that live on the property.

Mahasamrat and Bhavatarini have many special momentos of their long and close friendship with Sri Chinmoy.

Bhavatarini's good friend Jolie Johnson from the local Rotary Club kindly stopped by to meet the team and offer her encouragement and support in our efforts to spread the message of peace and international friendship.

The team all voted that this one should be the newest member of our fleet of Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run vehicles. The torch will look fantastic painted on the side.