The women's team was very happy and grateful to have stayed in the very clean and friendly Best Western Pier Point Inn in Florence. Without the generosity of kindred spirits like the Pier Point Inn, we truly would not be able to continue bringing "the dream" to real people in real ways each day. Thank you.

Meanwhile some of the men's team stayed at Giribar Rick DeAngelo's, Arpan's brother's country home, in Elmira, Oregon.

The DeAngelo family here with Pujari minus Linda, Nick and Joe's mother, who had to go to work. We are so grateful to Linda and her family for hosting us and feeding us sumptuously.

The first ceremony of the day was at the Suislaw Elementary School with the Boys and Girls Club in Florence.

The funny skits we do to demonstrate acts of harmony and peace or otherwise always goes well with the children.

We gladly offered our Certificate of Appreciation and a Peace painting by Sri Chinmoy, the Founder of the Peace Run, to the Boys and Girls Club.

Afterwards, when the children get to hold the torch and run outdoors with it, everyone is all smiles.

We are very grateful to Amy Plough and her staff for inviting us to the Boys and Girls club in Florence today.

Meanwhile, one of the men's teams started their journey up the coast with Arpan's nephew Joe joining us.

Mayor Roumagoux offered a Proclamation of Peace Run Day in Newport. She also kindly offered words of wisdom and encouragemnet to us.

In return we gratefully offered the City of Newport a Certificate of Appreciation signed by our international team of runners.

Some of the children gladly accepted our Certificate of Appreciation and a painting for the Clubhouse Summer Program.

The children were happy to have us as they were eager to answer our questions and to ask their own as well.