We are very grateful to Krishna and Srividhya for opening their home to one of our women's teams last night. Their beautiful house and warm hospitality were a joy to behold. We especially enjoyed the fresh from the garden raspberries and Krishna's exceptionally good chai! They are pictured here with their youngest son, Vittal. Their older son, Karthik is equally adorable!

We are also grateful to the Best Western Pony Soldier in Portland for offering some comped rooms for some of our runners also. They were very accommodating and kind to us.

We are very grateful to Joyce and Pete Rollosson for hosting one of the men's team in their lovely home.

Brahmata from Canada just joined us and is looking forward to running back up to her home country soon.

Jagadhata has been a strong member of the team for a few weeks but unfortunately has to go back home soon as well.

This fine gentleman saw us running on the bridge over the Columbia River and stopped to hold the torch and make a small volutary donation.

Along the way we met children in a park having a birthday as we sparked some interest among the partygoers and their parents.

Other very nice people stopped to ask questions and to hold the torch as they offered their goodwill and prayers for peace.

We are grateful to our local runners, especially Mike(left), who ran with us and helped to organize our route to our Castle Rock event later in the day.

Myron Nelson, President of the Senior Center, has helped to organize this event and welcome us all three years since 2008.

Myron Nelson and Mayor Paul Helenberg offer a Proclamation of Harmony and Peace to declare World Harmony Day in Castle Rock.

Gayle Baker, from the Chamber of Commerce and Vice President of the Senior Center, kindly offers the Peace Run a basket of gifts and goodies for us.

Jim Meisner, Cowlitz County Commissioner, offers us another generous gift package from the Town of Castle Rock.

Other members of the Senior Center takes turns passing the torch and offering their goodwill for peace.

This Torch-Bearer Award was offered to Myron Nelson and the Senior Center last time the Run came through in 2012.

Another generous gift package was bottles of water which are always needed and welcomed by our runners.

Mayor Helenberg and Commissioner Meisner share the torch as they get ready to run; run for office that is.

We are pictured here at Sri Chinmoy Street and the site of the worlds largest egg with our dear and long standing friend, Pat Anderson. She served on the Winlock City Council for many years and was responsible for securing such a prominent position for the 'Sri Chinmoy Street' sign. Pat also organises our accomodation at Winlock High School whenever we are in town, thank you Pat!!