We are very grateful to The Russell Inn for the wonderful accommodations they offered our whole team last night in Russell, Manitoba. This is the premiere place for accommodations in the area.

Sandro, from Italy, enjoys the peace of the natural surroundings and quiet roads on a Sunday morning.

Salil offers Mayor Kalyniuk on behalf of all the citizens of Rossburn our Certificate of Appreciation.

Bob, a local EMS officer, shares the torch with our Ukranian runner, Amburoha. Bob's ancestry is also Ukranian. Many parts of this area of Manitoba were settled by Ukranian immigrants in the 19th Century.

Some of our Rossburn friends join our Peace Run team around the Peace Tree that was planted here in June to honour the Peace Run and its Founder, Sri Chinmoy.

Officer Marc-Andre Dube from the RCMP had a birthday today. He also escorted us with his police caras we ran out from the ceremony

Yatakara, our main photographer, is in familiar pose as Mayor Kalyniuk gets ready for her run out of town.

Mayor Shirley Kalyniuk dons a new Peace Run shirt and then leads us on a run our from the center of town

Much gratitude for the enthusiastic support and kindness of Mayor Shirley Kalyniuk and the residents of Rossburn.

One of our Ukaranian runners, Amburoha, proudly runs past the Ukranian Museum sign. Many settlers here were from Ukraine over 100 years ago.

After the ceremony one team got to wash the RV. Lots of bugs have joined the Peace Run on our vehicles as we drive and run many miles across these beautiful and vast prairie lands

Salil, Executive Director of the Peace Run, demonstrates the Australian kangaroo hop for the crowd to guess where he is from.

Valerie Pankratz cheerfully holds the torch and offers some kind words. She is the Executive Director of Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve, a U.N. designated Reserve. There are 621 such protected Reserves across the world.

The smiles of children gives us our motivation to keep the torch of peace moving forwards year after year.

Their hopes and dreams for a more peaceful world are most valuable assets for the future of this lovely planet.

Mark Young, Acting Superintendent of Riding Mountain National Park, offers his kind words as he dedicates a row of Peace benches after the Peace Tree ceremony.

Kanala generously treated us to some homemade Gelato at the Park, as she is leaving for home tomorrow.