Happily we reach the steps of the Provincial Legislative Building and were suprised by so many warm and welcoming smiles considering the wind and rain that had been blowing in all day.

We were charmed by children in their colourful cultural dress, representing fourteen of the nations the Peace Run is visiting this year...

Flor Marcellino (Minister of Multiculturalism) graciously receives our Certificate of Appreciation presented here by Peace Run Coordinator Shishir Pauk

Pavaka Ritchot from Winnipeg joined our Peace Run today he will be running with us through to June 28th. Welcome Pavaka!

Everyone stayed for our group photo. It was a wonderful ceremony filled with beautiful people. We are extremely grateful to everyone who made it out to welcome the Peace Run to Winnipeg today.

Afterwards we met this lovely family from the USA. The aspiring balerina holds the torch next to her and younger brother, Taekwondo Junior State Champ. A timely meeting as our route takes us into Minnesota, USA tomorrow.

Today was the last day on the run, for the time being, for our wonderful Canadian Coordinator, Prapti...sad but true!!
From Prapti: Thanks everyone for the chance to run across Western Canada with you all! See you all in Eastern Canada in a few weeks.
From the team: A big THANK YOU to Prapti for countless sleepless hours of heart felt organisation and planning to pull together the first Canadian section of the first ever North American Peace Run!! We all look forward to seeing you again on the other side!!