Our local runners are from the Swedish-speaking community. A completely bilingual city, in Vaasa you find both languages spoken all the time. In an instant people change from one to the other.

With the torch is boxing champion Jorge Pina, an inspiration to the World community. Before a World Championships fight he lost his eyesight, but he didn't give up! He took up running, and has competed in the Paralolympics, running the Marathon!

Vaasa is an international city. 6 % of the population have come from abroad to make Vaasa their home...

Member of the City Council Riitta Pääjärvi-Myllyaho runs with us into the city. She has joined the Peace run multiple times. She fondly reminisces when we met hundreds of children in Vaasa, visiting a total of 26 schools in one day! It gave us all so much joy!

After a beautiful welcome Riitta hands over the mike to our long time friend, former Chairman of the City Council and MEP, and current City counselor Håkan Nordman.

In his heartfelt trilingual speech Håkan tells of the importance of activities like the Peace Run. He ends with encouraging everyone to run! For their own health and for World Peace!

Håkan and Riitta congratulate local coordinator Iiris Nuuja, whom Håkan affectionately calls "The Mother of the Peace Run "

Finnish team-member and Swedish coordinator Jan interviewed by a very nice reporter from Radio Vega, the local Swedish speaking radio station...

The torch arrives in Hietalahden puisto - Sandviksparken, a beautiful sanctuary in the city for walking and running. It is also a popular place for weddings!

This cute oak-tree is 4 years old, planted jointly by the Peace Run and the City in a memorable ceremony with local children. It gives us so much joy to see how it has grown and how healthy it looks!

Håkan Nordman tells us that Vaasa is proud to host the statue of the founder of the Run, Sri Chinmoy, in Hietalahti Park. He states that it embodies the vision of a world in peace and the togetherness of all humanity as one family, ideals which the founder dedicated his entire life to.