We are extremely grateful to the Comfort Inn of Chelsea for offering some very comfortable and clean rooms to host our team last night.

The ceremony took place in a large, very spacious and lovely green field called 'The Willows' because of the giant Weeping Willow trees that were there.

Aparanji from Brazil pushes down Amburoha from Ukraine in a skit which demonstrated non-peaceful behaviour. The children had to be the judges as to which skits represented peaceful or non-peaceful behaviour.

After the short Peace Run everyone had a chance to hold the torch and make wishes for peace and other personal good qualities of their choice.

Pavaka, from Canada, enjoyed his few weeks with the Peace Run. Unfortunately he is leaving us after tomorrow to get back to work.

Our Certificate of Appreciation and a Harmony painting by Sri Chinmoy was presented to the Honey Creek Camp. We really appreciate and value the opportunity to share these creative and dynamic programs with the children and staff.

We are grateful to the children and to Amber Byers who helped to arrange for this meeting but unfortunately could not be here today.

Salil, our Executive Director from Australia, hits the road as his team runs towards the city of Westland.

Later in the afternoon we made it to Detroit in time to meet the children of the Plymouth Educational Center's Detroit City Camp.

Kaitlin, Assistant Director, cheefully accepts our Certificate of Appreciation on behalf of City Camp. We are also grateful to Share Ayers, the City Camp Director, for arranging this meeting but unfortunately could not make it today.