In Trenton, part of the City of Quinte West, we ran to the YMCA as a big team with most of our runners.

Councillor Terry Cassidy(left) and Mayor John Williams(right) came to greet us and offer their goodwill and support.

Mayor Williams and Councillor Cassidy with the children and Staff of the YMCA and our Peace Run team that were present here. Some of the other Peace Runners were on the road running towards Kingston.

We offer our Certificates of Appreciation to the Mayor and the YMCA for their enthusiastic participation in this event.

Everyone then got a chance to hold the torch and make a wish for peace and harmony in their own ways.

Terry Cassidy offered us a very soulful message as he addressed the crowd. He basically stressed the idea of being kind to each other and carrying love in our hearts in whatever we do.

Our Canadian representative, Brahmata, cheerfully carries the Peace Torch her home Province of Ontario.

Before you know it we were eating dinner. A few hours did lapse in between meals which gave us enough time to get to our friends', Hladini and Paramita's, in Kingston. They supplied us with a fantastic meal.

In the evening we camped out at the Ivy Lea Campground in the 1000 Islands region of Ontario. These curious children approached us to find out what we were doing. They very willingly wanted to share the torch for peace together. A nice way to end the day just as we began it, with peaceful and thoughtful children.