We woke up right where our first meeting was scheduled: the Windsor Mountain International Camp. Richard Herman(red jacket) and his family came to join in the festivities. He and his wife ran this camp for 47 years and he is now retired but loves to come and visit.

There were hundreds of campers and a few very attentive dogs waiting to participate in our song and in holding the torch.

These are some of the children who remember us from four years ago. Some of the even remembered the World Harmony Run song.

Richard Herman accepts our Certificate of Appreciation for his many decades of serving the children in this wonderful camping and educational environment.

Jake and Kerry Labovitz, the current Directors of Windsor Mountain, receive ther Certificate of Appreciation as Richard holds the torch with them.

We had a flat tire in our RV and these kind gentlemen from Walmart Auto Care fixed it for a very small price.

After a long day on the road we finally had a wonderful meal at a nearby Asian Restaurant treated by our own teammate, Pragati, who just arrived a few days ago from New York. Thank you Pragati and all those who join us or support us in any way. Without the constant support we would not be able to carry the torch even for a single day.