You never know who you might meet along the road...Peace lovers come in all shapes, and sizes and forms!

Our dear friend Giovanna Ricci, better known as Jo Jo, has been hosting the Peace Run Team, in collaboration with the Italian Heritage Center, since 1987! It is an absolute privillege for us to be so connected with Jo Jo, and we are all enormously grateful for her deeply heart felt oneness and support of the Peace Run.

Also waiting to greet the team were Italian Heritage Society President, Frank Reali, his wife Cammy, and society members, John and Catherine.

Chushini Polly Goodyear has coordinated this event and many others in Maine for many years, and we are very grateful to her.

The Mayor of Portland, Michael Brennan, was not able to attend, but he asked Frank Reali to represent hin in reading out a Proclaimation for Peace and Friendship which has been signed by Mayors all around Canada and the United States. It also proclaimed today Peace Run Day in Maine.

Also present at the Ceremony were Jo Jo's sister, Louise Delaney, and her husband, Joe. Not pictured but also present was another delightful sister of Jo Jo, Marie, who is a Sister of Mercy.

Kanyaka from Bali is a wonderful addition to our extremely International team. Presently comprised of 12 members, we represent 11 different countries, and we are all friends!

Just in case we had not already eaten enough for twice the amount of runners, Louise presented us with a gift wrapped basket of homemade desserts, thank you so much!!

Every year since the Peace Run first began, Jo Jo has had every member of the team sign a t-shirt for her. She has also collected books, pictures, brochures and pretty much anything she can lay her hands on that is connected with the Peace Run.

Jo Jo is tremendously proud of her collection of memorabillia, and it is extremely moving to see her depth of love for Peace and Humanity expressed in such a touching way.

Kanyaka was delighted to be joined by Kate Ward from Boston for a two-mile jog near Ogunquit in Maine. Kate said the run "made my day". Thank you Kate, we hope you can run with us again sometime!

Finally it was time for the womens team to hit the road, starting with our super inspiring Nepalese representative, Sweta!

It seems highly unlikely that you could ever catch Sweta in a bad mood, she is always full of joy and enthusiasm.

This couple ware half way through a 13 mile run. They are training for their first ever marathon, and Harita was happy to have their enthusiastic company for the final stretch of her run for the day
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First be a member
Of the inner world.
Then become an adventurer
Of the outer world.
-Sri Chinmoy