The women's team took the torch to the Southern Rhode Island Coventry Recreation Center. It's great to start the day with a short meditation. The children try to feel love, peace and joy in their hearts and try to spread all these good qualities to their friends and families.

Passing the torch is always a popular and important part of our presentations. Pictured here is Christian Lamothe, one of the Coventry Camp Counselors.

The women's team held the ceremony with the enthusiastic children at the Coventry Recreation Center.

Everybody look into the camera and say "Peeeace". Pictured in the centre along with Guy and Christian is camp counselor Chelsea Shea.

A Jharna-Kala artwork by Sri Chinmoy, was presented to Coventry Recreation Director Guy Lefebvre for his enthusiastic participation in the Peace Run. It says: "Peace feeds the children". Thank you also to Jason Licciardi, not pictured.

Anita Baffoni from the Kent County Daily Times Newspaper came out to cover the event, thank you so much!

Arlene B. Hicks, President of the City Council, and Lynn M. Hawkins join the Peace Run and make a few steps for peace with our own local coordinator, Vijali. They walk along the Beach Pond Causeway to see the newly installed plaque.

Bob Johnson, Councilman of Exeter, presented a Proclamation to the Peace Run congratulating and honoring Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Run for its 27th Anniversary and renewing the dedication of this Beach Pond Causeway as a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom.

On the Causeway with Arlene B. Hicks, Council President, Bob Johnson and Lynn M. Hawkins, Town Clerk.

Sgt. Brown has come many times to escort the runners over the Causeway. Here he expresses his support for the Peace Run.

We are very grateful to Kim Caron from "The Ice Cream Machine" who was inspired by the idea of the Peace Run and kindly invited the whole team for some delicious home-made ice cream.

Yatkara uses every opportunity the work on his pictures and tries always to be one step ahead of time.

Vijali, holding the torch on the right, was instrumental in getting this Peace Blossom dedicated as well as dozens of others in the state of Rhode Island. This bridge connects Cumberland to Central Falls.

We ran to Pawtucket from Central Falls to visit another Peace Bridge dedicated to Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run.

Arpan explains to the children from the local YMCA why we are running for peace and tells them some stories.

Doug Hadden, Communications Director represents Mayor Donald Grebien of the City of Pawtucket. Here he presents a Proclamation to the Peace Run and announces this day as 'Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Day' in the City of Pawtucket.

On their run to the City Hall of Providence, Mahasatya and Dennis were escorted by the police of Pawtucket.

Delmi and her daughter Zoralyda from Guatemala joined us in front of the City Hall. We did a short presentation about the Peace Run and sang the World Harmony song together.

I come from a small country in Europe. It start with Lux- and ends with -bourg... Can you guess my country?? Yes, Luxembourg! Dennis addresses Zorayda and her two brothers, Henry and Alexandro.

These two gentlemen from a local radio station just happened to pass by and asked to hold the torch and get some information for their station.

Joe Coleman and John stop to find out what we are doing and then enthusiastically offer their support and oneness with our cause.

Providence City Council President Salomon came to represent Mayor Angel Taveras, who unfortunately could not make it.

Next we made a quick stop at the Peace-Tree planted in Roger Williams Park in 1982 by Sri Chinmoy, Founder of the Peace Run. Erica Andersen holds the Torch with our team in front of the Peace-Tree. She was just passing by when she saw our team there and was thrilled to see the Peace Tree and Peace Run.

Installed over 32 years ago, this aging concrete plaque is at the base of the Peace Tree planted in Roger Williams Park in 1982. It reads, "May my aspiring and loving heart's gratitude-plant grow upward everyday." - Sri Chinmoy