On our way out of Terebovlia we ran into an unexpected meeting: a small school lined up to see the torch running by. Of course we had to stop!

...we just left Kopychyntsi and ran right into the next unexpected meeting in Svydova, just before Tovste...

Two km before Tovste the higher grades of the local school awaited us. A perfect moment for an improvised meeting literally on the main road....

Crossing the bridge we enterred the region of Chernivtsi. Kids from Kostryzhivka lined up for the torch!

To run through Chernivtsi is a time-travel back to the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy. Almost the whole historc part of the city reminds the visitor of old times...

Special thanks to the chiefs of sport of the region and city of Chernivtsi for joining our final meeting of the day!