Sado Island is not only rich in nature, but also unique in its spiritual depth and artistic richness.

It's like we have gone back 100 years, especially in this Shukunegi Ward. We have been looking forward to this next visit...

Kodo, Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble, the world-renowned taiko drumming troup based in Sado Island warmly and enthusiastically welcomed us during the rehearsal for their concert that afternoon. Their welcome-performance was simply mesmerizing.
佐渡を拠点に世界的活動を続ける太鼓芸能集団 鼓童のみなさんが、午後からのコンサートのリハーサル中にピース・ラン一行を迎えてくださいました。宿根木公会堂に入る私たちを歓迎しての演奏に、一同ただただ聞き惚れました。

After Kodo's fantastic welcome, we introduced ourselves to each other. Kodo has visited 46 countries so far, doing the on-going tour named 'One Earth', where they hope diverse cultures and ways of life resonate with each other.

What struck me the most was the intense joy coming out of the sounds of their drums. Their joy of life was coming out and entered into us through the sounds of the drums.

At the end, the members came out and ran with us through the ward. People in the neighborhood cheerfully watched us run together.

We really felt a lot for each other, and our final photo shoot was all smiles.

Our next stop was at Mano Elementary, where over 240 children eagerly welcomed us.

Principal received the peace torch and Certificate of Appreciation.

In the afternoon we made a stop at Sado City Hall, where the mayor, deputy mayor, and many staff members cheerfully welcomed us.

Mayor was simple and friendly. Thank you so much for creating the nice welcome-banner for us.
甲斐 元也佐渡市長はとても気さくで素朴な方。歓迎の横断幕も作っていただいて感激です。

And we did hi-fives with all the staff. Their hearts are childlike. We love people of Sado.