Last night we stayed at Lotos Inn in Nishi-aizu Town. Our cottages were spacious (by Japanese standard) and comfortable.

Today the township had its Sports Day. We visited the nearby gym before their starting ceremony.

Here are some of the local athletes who gathered for the volleyball and softball games.

Pramiti, who had been mainly working on the team's food, could join the relay today.

Here is Ashirvad, in charge of photographing and video, covering a few km in between his duties.

In the middle is Akanda, who is a capable driver, torch-prep person, and a photographer.

It gives us so much joy to see the little Kanna-chan waving and cheering us up while running.

Today was Tsuruga-jou Half Marathon. About 6500 adults and children alike gathered from nearby cities and towns to take part in its various races.

We gave a Peace Run presentation in the rain & wind; a typhoon was approaching.

Our next stop was Cultural Center of Inawashiro Town. We were going to make a short presentation at a festival by NPOs working on post-tsunami revival of Fukushima, organized by 'Happy Island Network'.

Children dancers from Peace Flame, Rainbow Children Project.
子ども達が心を込めて踊ります。Peace Flame平和の灯、レインボーチルドレンプロジェクトです。

The runners who came to Japan this year are extremely capable. We are so fortunate to have them.

Many people in the passing cars waved at us or cheered us up. Our international runners were particularly moved.

We made most of our meals. Tonight we went to Kouriyama City's community center to make meals: dinner, the following day's lunch and dinner. It's good to have a big kitchen like this!