H.E. Dr.Vicente Guterres, President of the Parliament, H.E. Maria Goretti Guterres Marques and H.E. Fernando La Sama de Araújo, Vice Prime Minister were there to greet us and be the first to hold the torch.

At each kilometer we met with a new organization to carry the torch - this was always accompanied by lots of cheering and shouting of greetings.

Over the last kilometer we were joined by H.E. Dr. Vicente Guterres, President of the Parliament (left), H.E. Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Minister of Tourism (Orange shirt centre) and H.E. Fernando La Sama de Araújo, Vice Prime Minister and Coordinator of Social Affairs.

Many people lined the streets as we arrived at our final destination which was the Governor's Palace.

H.E. Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Minister of Tourism (left) H.E. Dr. Vicente Guterres, President of the Parliament (centre), and H.E. Fernando La Sama de Araújo, Vice Prime Minister and Coordinator of Social Affairs took the last steps into the grounds of the Governors Palace.

Next we were entertained by the very talented youth of Timor-Leste. This acrobatic troupe did some gravity defying poses.

Mara, who has been so helpful, shares a moment with her daughter Noa (centre) and friend Mirssia (right).

We then presented the glass engravings of Sri Chinmoy's picture entitled "Unity" to H.E. Dr. Vicente Guterres, President of the Parliament (pictured) as well as to H.E. Fernando La Sama de Araújo, Vice Prime Minister, H.E. Francisco Kalbuadi Lay, Minister of Tourism and H.E. Mr. Miguel Manetelu, Secretary of State for Youth and Sport.

Suhashini from Bali with Jose Luis Padua de Oliveira, Director-General of the Secretariat of Youth and Sport.