Sergio & Dilson, protocol officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, have been our faithful and skillful drivers since our arrival, making sure we are on time and safe.

We arrived at our first school: Eskola Christal, where students from elementary to university level study. One of the principals received the torch into the school.

The marching band of this school, Eskola St. Madalena de Canossa, offered a fantastic performance the other day when the peace torch was carried to Governor's Palace.

To our great delight, today, once again, they welcomed us with their skillful and joyful welcome performance.

Running with the torch around the school (which had all the levels from kindergarten to university) with a teacher...

President of the Parliament, H.E. Vicente Guterres, very kindly received us in his office. We discussed the importance of peace and shared some recollections of the inauguration of Sri Chinmoy's statue at the Parliament in February 2013. We are extremely grateful for his taking his precious time to meet us again.