After a welcome speech from Mr Hoang Van Hoang, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, President of Thanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organisations

Salil, on behalf of the Peace Run, thanked the local authorities for making this event possible in Thanh Hoa.

Harashita then read out Sri Chinmoy's message for Viet Nam, part of which reads: "Viet Nam, you have suffered. Your suffering knew no bounds. Again, it is you who will be able to offer joy and happiness to the world. You are the chosen country, for the country that has suffered the most is the right country to offer joy to mankind. After the darkest night, we see the beauty and light of day." (1993)

As the gracious hosts and organising committee of the Vietnam Peace Run, Ms Van Vice President of VUFO officially received the Peace Run torch from Salil (Executive Director Peace Run)

We were treated to performances which again demonstrated the Vietnamese talent for and love of singing.

Then of course we sang the World Harmony Run song, with actions - but this time with enthusiastic participation from Ms Van; Ms Nga; Mr Quy, Chairman of Thanh Hoa City Peoples Committee and Mr Hoan, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs and Vice President of the Thanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organisations, along with the students.

Mr Van from the Department of Foreign Affairs with Ms Chi from VUFO continuing her exemplary role as translator were kept very busy.

The last signatures went onto the map that has travelled through the 13 countries participating in the Asia Pacific 2014 Peace Run, collecting signatures from peace lovers in Russia, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Timor Leste, Australia, New Zealand and now Vietnam.

Representaives from the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa province were significantly involved in orgainising the Peace Run events and enjoyed participating.

Mr Hoan, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs and Vice President of the Thanh Hoa Union of Friendship Organisations, offered a closing remark, announcing the grand finale of the Asia-Pacific Peace Run.

The team was made up of coordinators from the majorty of the Asia-Pacific Peace Run participating countries: (from right) Uddyogini from Australia, Harashita from Japan, Suman from Nepal, Akanda from Mongolia, Hemabha from Korea, Suhasini from Indonesia, Salil from Australia/USA and Urdhacheta (photographer) from Singapore. It was very nice to finish the Asia-Pacific Peace Run this way.

The afternoon visit was to Thanh Hoa Vocational Training School for disadvantaged youth. First the team was welcomed with a rowsing song saluting Ho Chi Min.

The Principal Mr Luong presented the Peace Run team with a beautiful fabric collage created by the students, picturing the Ho Citadel.

The team was shown the skills of the students working on sewing, mechanical, embroidery and computer projects in the school.