We finally had a chance to fulfil a long-held dream - to bring the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run to Surakata (Solo). It was only possible with the kind, gracious and tireless organization of HRH Gusti Dipokusumo and HRH Gusti Febri, Prince and Princess of Surakarta, were we able to realize this dream. Here the general manger of the Lor-In hotel holds the torch.

We stayed at the Lor-In Hotel which hosted Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, when he visited in 2003. Surakarta, often called Solo, is a city in Central Java, Indonesia of more than 520,061 people. The city is the seat of Surakarta Sunanate Keraton of which our hosts HRH Gusti Dipokusumo and HRH Gusti Febri are part of the Royal Family.

Our first appointment was a tremendous honor; we visited Ibu Sujiatmi Notomiharjo (Mother of Indonesian President Jokowi).

Boijayanti, Jayashri, Devashishu and Lucas performed a song composed by Sri Chinmoy in honor of Indonesia. The words are:
Indonesia, Indonesia, Indonesia!
Softness, sweetness, oneness-ambrosia.
You are the golden link between two continents: Asia, Australia.
Your matchless pride: Java, Bali, Sumatra, Jakarta.
You are your mountain-heights.
You are your volcano-power.
Islam, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, all faiths
Have built a oneness-tower.

HRH Gusti Febri presented Ibu Sujiatmi Notomiharjo with the Peace Run Torch-Bearer Award. We wanted to recognize her role in instilling in her son the values of service, humility and vision which we are now seeing finding expression in his leadership of this remarkable nation.

Our women's team, inspired by Kanyaka, our Indonesian team member, all wanted a photo with Ibu Sujiatmi Notomiharjo.

We asked Ibu Sujiatmi Notomiharjo what she felt her son's best quality was. She responded without hesitation, "He always listens to his mother." This soulful painting adorns a wall in the main room.

As we were leaving we happened to meet with a cleric who was visiting Ibu Sujiatmi Notomiharjo. He administers a Muslim boarding school. He invited us to bring the Peace Run to his school the next day.

We then drove about 3 hours to Borobodur - a sacred monument to the Buddhist faith. It is the world’s largest Buddhist temple, as well as one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world.
The monument consists of six square platforms topped by three circular platforms and is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. A main dome, located at the center of the top platform, is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues each of which is seated inside a perforated stupa.

This temple seems to vibrate with the cumulative total of all the prayers and meditations that have been offered here down through the ages.

Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, was one one of the very few individuals to have been given permission to perform here. He gave a concert of spiritual music dedicated to peace here in 2003.

This sign shows that UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has recognized Borobodur as a world heritage site.

HRH Gusti Febri accompanied us for the day, all the while making plans for the following day, as well as ensuring we were well fed. A truly elegant and gracious host.

After a long drive back to Solo we arrived at HRH Gusti Dipo and Gusti Febri's family home to a sumptuous meal.

Inside their lovely home, we were all made to feel incredibly welcome along, with other relatives of the Royal Family.

After our meal we retired to the "Harmony Room," a special room that has been reserved for prayer and silence.

We watched a video of Sri Chinmoy's visit to Solo in 2004 and his historic meetings with HRH King Pakoeboewono XII father of HRH Gusti Dipokusumo.