We began our second busy day in Surakarta by be being honored to attend an exercise class at 6.00 am at the kind invitation of Ibu Sujiatmi Notomiharjo, mother of the President of Indonesia.

The class was entitled "Brain Exercise" and focused a lot on coordination and performing all kinds of very challenging movements along the lines of pat your head and rub your stomach - but quite a bit more difficult.

HRH Gusti Dipokusumo and HRH Gusti Febri's second youngest daughter, Gayatri, read out a poem on peace.

Our first school was Surakata's Focus Independent School - which is also where HRH Gusti Dipokusumo and HRH Gusti Febri's children go to school.

HRH Gusti Febri, our remarkable and tireless host, arranged for us to break into groups and invited each student to write what peace means to them. HRH Gusti Febri leads an inspirational and motivational organization called Fresh, Healthy, Dynamic Motivation which serves companies, organizations, schools and community groups both locally and nationally.

One of the reflections on peace from Alfra - "Peace is: We are near to God and always kind to people we meet."

Here students were learning arts and trades in a wide range of subjects from fabric design and batik production to hotel management to culinary skills and much, much more.

They were wearing elaborate costumes and performed a traditional dance. Apparently the costumes took about three months to create and close to 45 minutes to put on.

We sang the World Harmony Run song complete with actions and you can see HRH Gusti Dipokusumo was an enthusiastic participant.

HRH Gusti Dipokusumo, Salil, Ami Kadiono (President of the Rotary Club Solo), Solo City Official, HRH Gusti Febri held the torch.

Aparajita, HRH Gusti Dipokusumo, HRH Gusti Febri, Maria (a Rotary exchange student from Mexico) and SMK 4 Vice-Principal join with the students.

Our next appointment was with the Surakata city officials who met with us in the Surakata council chambers.

HRH Gusti Dipokusumo, HRH Gusti Febri, Kepala Kantor Kesbangbol Suharso, Vice-Mayor Dr. H. Achmad Purnomo, Assistant Administrator Rakhmat Sutomo, Ami Kadiono, President of the Rotary Club Solo, Salil Wilson, Executive Director of the Peace Run.

We were very graciously hosted for lunch by Mrs. Ami Kadiono, President of the Rotary Club Solo, in her beautiful home. Her kind and generous husband Mr. Giyoryo is also pictured.

Our last official event was a visit to Muslim faith-based boarding school called Pondok Pesantren Kyai Haji Agung Syuhada.

Ms. Lies Herlambang, owner of Adem Ayem, a lovely restaurant in Solo, very kindly hosted us to a delicious meal.

Adem Ayem is enjoying its 44th year. It began as a tiny street stall and now seats over 100 people on at least two floors.

Our last event of a truly unforgettable day was a late night visit to a traditional theatre performing the Mahabarata.