Our last Peace Run event brought us to one of the most beautiful cities in the world: Rio de Janeiro.

Embedded in high rocks, the blue of the Atlantic Ocean, the green of the dense forrests and the white beaches make Rio de Janeiro a most attractive place with an unique flair...

Our first meeting brought us to the "OLM - Our Lady of Mercy School" - a lovely English school almost at the feet of the Corcovado. The greeting committee awaited us eagerly...

...and under the thundering cheers of the childen the teachers showed great spirit and ran one lap around the sport field...

A big "Thank You" to the "Our Lady of Mercy School" for the outstanding meeting! We hope to meet you again, soon!

...while running in downtown Botafogo we caught already a glimpse of our final meeting place: the Community Santa Marta. The colorful houses are visible from afar.