Cabo Verde is a group of ten islands off the West Coast of Africa. They lie on the route that the European adventurers would take as they went out to discover Africa, Asia and beyond. In the 15th Century these uninhabitated islands were colonized by the Portuguese and this year the nation is celebrating the 40th anniversary of it’s independence. Today the Sri Chinmoy Oneness Home Peace Run was invited to begin a 6 day run around the island of Santiago to celebrate the 40th anniversary of independence and the commitment of the nation to Peace.

On the right is the Mayor of São Domingos and head of the Associação de Municipios de Santiago, Architect Franklin Tavares. He was the first person to offer an invitation to the Peace Run to visit Cabo Verde. The gentleman in the red shirt is the General Secratary of the African Paralympic Committee, J. Rodrigo Bejarno. Jorge Pina (on the left) is the star of our Peace Run team.

Jorge Pina was born in Portugal, but his father lives on the island of Fogo in Cabo Verde. He is affectionately claimed as a ‘local hero’ by the Cabo Verdans and is well known internationally for his achievements as a para-olympian. He competed in the marathon at the Beijing and London Paralympic games. He has been a keen supporter of the Peace Run for the past 5 years.

The international team representing Portugal, Brazil, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Austria, Italy and Switzerland began the Run in Praça do Pelourinho in Cidade Velha – the old capital city.

Our MC’s for the ceremony - Rosana and Vitor Hugo Fortes. Everyone in Cabo Verde knows Rosana and Vitor from TV; Vitor also represented Cabo Verde on the national Basketball team.

The patron of the Peace Run in Cabo Verde is His Excellency o Senhor Presidente da Republica de Cabo Verde, Jorge Carlos Fonseca.

The patron of the Peace Run in Cabo Verde His Excellency o Senhor Presidente da Republica de Cabo Verde, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, lights the torch.

His Excellency welcomes the Peace Run and offers a powerful and heartfelt speech, expressing his support for the vision of Sri Chinmoy, and reiterating the message that each and every human being has within them an ‘Inner Peace’ which is a most valuable and creative resource.

A painting commissioned for the occasion is offered by artist David Levy Lima to His Excellency the President. The piece of art captures the peace and poise of a young boy playing in the sand while all around him the ocean roars and rages.

The Minister of Sport and Education Dr. Fernanda Maria B. L. Marques is responsible for much of the programme that will take place over the coming week. From the very moment she heard about the Peace Run, she recognized it’s significance and wasted no time in getting preparations underway. In her speech she expressed her love and gratitude to all those who have made this Run possible. She hopes that after the success of the Run here on the island of Santiago, that in the near future the Peace Run will visit all the islands of Cabo Verde, all Portuguse speaking countries and beyond.

The Mayor of Cidade Velha Dr. Manuel Monteiro de Pina, holds the torch and offers words of support and welcome.

The Mayor of São Domingos and head of the Associação de Municipios de Santiago, Architect Franklin Tavares holds the torch. He was the first person to offer an invitation to the Peace Run to visit Cabo Verde.

The head of Cabo Verde Athletics Senor Fernando Pinto will accompany us on our journey, and will be taking care of the day to day organisation

The Minister of Sport and Education Dr. Fernanda Maria B. L. Marques, sends the runners on their way, joining them for the first kilometer uphill.

During the ceremony, Dulce (on the left) read out a letter from Director General of CPLP, Dra. Georgina de Mello. The CPLP is the association of Portuguese speaking countries.

The National Team of Ultramarathoners accompany the torch on it’s first 10 kilometre journey to Porte Mosquito. These runners had already done their own 28K training early in the morning before joining us.