70% of the population are under the age of 30 - and today many, many children will hold the torch and run.

The torch is received by the Olympic Committee. The President of the Olympic Committee Filomena Fortes accepts a Certificate from the Peace Run team.

The military join us. The men in blue berets are marines, in red berets are the military police and in the brown berets are the army.

The soldiers run in two columns, on the left and right, keeping time and shouting out calls in rhythm.

(From left to right) Fernando Pinto, the First Lady Mrs Ligia Fonseca, The Minister of Sports and Education Dr Fernanda Maria B L Marques and the Mayor of Praia Dr Jose Ulisees de Pina Correia e Silva.

Fernandao Pinto receives the Torch Bearer Award on behalf of the Cabo Verde Athletics Federation (FCA).

Franklin Tavares, the Mayor of Sao Domingos receives the Torch Bearer Award on behalf of the Association of the Cities of Santiago, of which he is President. He was very moved.

The Mayor of Sao Miguel, Dr Joao Goes Duarte (front row fourth from the left), joins us. Gratitude to all the organisers for their hospitality. A special thanks to Dr Jose Eduardo, the Director of Sports in Praia (the gentleman behind and to the right of Franklin Tavares). He is the main organiser of the final day in Praia along with our dear friend Fernando Pinto.