We are honoured to have former Chairman of the City Council and MEP Håkan Nordman as part of our team! He has been a true friend of the Peace Run for many long years!

Thank you Gerby skola! A team of runners from the school are following us to the next school 4 km away...

The team of runners runs off right away with part of our team, as we are a little behind schedule, while Håkan stays behind to talk about the Peace Run and the dreams and ideals of its founder, emphasizeng that each one of us is responsible for taking the first step and creating peace and harmony in our own lives and in our surroundings, by our actions.

On the left in shades we have Peace runner Ashprihanal Pekka Aalto, one of the foremost ultra runners of our times! This summer he is running his 13th 3100 mile race in Jamaica, Queens, New York City. He has 7 wins to his credit. In preparation for this summer he's been training hard to achieve a personal best. Let's all wish him luck! Usually averaging over 100 km a day, todays 10 km run is probably like a light snack for him, but he really enjoys it!

The youth in white shirts ran with us from Borgaregatans skola. They were so fast our photographer didn't make it to take pictures of them there!

Today is the eve of May 1st, Vappu, a national holiday in Finland. Some of the childred have dressed for the occasion!

And run full circle to our starting point, Vasa's proudly cherished Peace Run Statue in Hietalahti Park.

The headmaster was really supportive and encouraging and accompanied us all the way to the last school...

The whole school accompanies the team to the road from where they start their Unicef walk, walking for 12 km!

Accompanying the girls is Paavo and their teacher. They run with us 14 km all the way to the last school! Their teacher is extremely encouraging and motivational!

At Savilahden koulu the whole school of 250 children was waiting to cheerfully welcome us on the schoolyard.

This teacher served as worldwide Peace Run CEO Salil Wilson's translator. The Finnish Peace Run team is delighted that Salil came for our local run!

Wait a minute! With runners from the 3rd school we are running an extra 5 km loop along a river! Oh well... as you can see from the picture our Peace runners look happy :) !

The children have just finished their 1 hour Unicef walk, where they have been trying to get as many laps as possible!

At the end the children and we are treated with traditional Vappu goodies: mead and jam-filled doughnuts!

In the afternoon our team heads up to Seinäjoki to set up a Peace Exhibition featuring Sri Chinmoy's artwork 'Jharna Kala' at the local library.