Tornionjoki (Torne river). In winter the thick ice connects the two strips of road, supporting cars driving between Sweden and Finland. However, don't try crossing on May-ice...

We drive 5 hours along a straight Lapp road up to Kilpisijärvi, which is located in the tip of the left hand of Lady Finland, at the border to Norway and Sweden...

Trailers on the way to Kilpisjärvi for the biggest event of the year: an ice-fishing competion attended by over a thousand people from around the region, near and far...

This is our super jolly and kind host and guide: international-level cross-country runner Heimo Rantakokko...

Heimo tells us that the weather today is exceptionally good. There is only a slight breeze close to the top...

Thank you so much Saana for allowing us to step on your holy rock!
Thank you Kilpisjärvi for giving us perfect climbing conditions!
Thank you Heimo for leading us up to the summit!