This game is an outdoor version of salibandy. It is like icehockey but without ice and skates, and a ball instead of a puck...

Thank you so much Aseman koulu for the very warm welcome! (more pictures will be added some time later for Aseman koulu)

Believe it or not, even with the student body being 500 strong, during our feeling-peace-in-our-heart-excercise, there was pindrop silence!

At the front of the school, flames like those of the Peace torch are depicted! Thank you so much Oulu International School for the cordial welcome! \

The music teacher leads group singing with the Kantele:
Singing all together,
Singing just for joy,
Sining all together,
Every girl and boy!
(Peace runners were heard singing this song later that day and the next :) )

These are typical finnish forest lichens. Springing up from amongst them are lingonberries, which in summer will carry the sour red berries, 'used in Finnish cuisine...

We have arrived to Paltamo, our last stop of the day. Here we see railway bridge over the river Kiehimänjoki which flows into Oulujärvi...

In Paltamo Anu Leinonen, head of sports and fitness, cordially greets the runners. Paltamo is magnanimoulsy accommodating us tonight, plus providing the team with breakfast supplies!

Jan's post-swing pose may look impressive, but how far the ball flew (or perhaps rolled) is another story...

That was fun! This might be the first time ever that a Peace Run Team has been treated to a Golf lesson...