Pekka hands over the torch to the former President of Finland Tarja Halonen, who is also the patron of Peace Run Finland...

One of the main organizers, Iiris Nuuja, is presenting special editions of Jharna Kala paintings to the presidential couple. These paintings have been exhibited for example at the United Nations headquarters in New York and in the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. The paintings have been painted by the founder of the Peace Run, Sri Chinmoy...

Heartfelt gratitude to President Tarja Halonen and her husband Pentti Arajärvi for participating and giving our team a presidential support...

We sing the Peace Run song to the public one final time in Finland. Gratitude to all our team-members: Salil from Australia, Chetana from USA, Josef, Daniel, Zuzana and Tanuja from the Czech Republic, Sanita from Latvia, Kamaniya from Sweden, Mukul from Israel, and Iiris, Anne, Kristiina, Jan, Andreas, Pekka and Lauri from Finland...