We started the day with an early morning breakfast prepared by our good friends Nilasha and Pratyaya.

We used the climbing wall to warm up for the 8 Km (5 mile) race at Carleton University this morning.

Hajar also has been helping us as we spend the weekend in Ottawa attending various events for the Peace Run in Canada.

Somersault Race Organizer Christine McKinty holds the torch before our race. She and Nilasha (right) worked together to organize our participation in this inspiring event.

Gautami, one of our runners, and Atmavir who placed second overall in the 8Km race, share their inspiration with another local runner and racer.

Cooperation and friendly competition in an event like this teaches the younger runners important lessons in peaceful coexistence.

This Peace Runner/Racer (Arpan) was pretty grounded as he carried the Torch most of the way through the 8Km (5 mile) Race.

Our photographer today was using the bicycle to catch all the runners. He recently completed a 10-Day race and placed second overall.

Nilasha and Hajar greet the runners as they approach the finish line. Arpan is all smiles as he carried the Paece Torch to today's goal, which will be tomorrow's starting point, so to speak.

Sunil and Sumi, a local young man and his mom, share the torch with Arpan. Sunil did very well as one of the top young runners to finish the 8Km.

Two long time Peace Run friends share their medals and torches as they both run for Peace, sometimes very slowly and other times quite speedily.

Salil, the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run Executive Director, carries one of our torches to the finish line.

Our Peace Runner/Racer, Karnayati, on the right, proudly stands with the oldest woman finisher who is a young 80 years old.

After the race we made it to a great natural foods vegetarian restaurant in Ottawa called 'Blossom'.

After a long morning of climbing and running we really appreciated such great healthy and tasty food at Blossom.

For dinner later in the evening some of us dined at another great natural foods vegetarian restaurant called 'Peace Garden' in the market district of Ottawa.

This building is currently an art gallery that glows with the light and colors of Sri Chinmoy's art called 'Jharna Kala'.

These two visitors from Toronto, Gerald and Linda, share the Peace Torch after an enjoyable tour of the Jharna-Kala Art Gallery. A great way to end a peaceful day as we try to share the inspiration and message of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run with those who wish to offer their own goodwill and efforts for peace and harmony.