We had a wonderful rest overnight at the Hyatt House in Fishkill thanks to the enthusiastic support of the staff there.

Eric Schiller, General Manager, and Judy D'Allessandra, Director of Sales who arranged for our spacious complimentary suites, were all smiles as they passed the torch to the other very supportive employees.

Judy was thrilled to help us with these fine accommodations and also offered support for future accommodations. This type of enthusiastic support goes a long way to make our all volunteer Peace Run a viable reality.

We hit the road once more as we ran down Rte. 9 and 9A near the Hudson River on our way towards New York City.

We stopped in Bayside, Queens at a small and soulful memorial for the veterans to pay our respects the day after Memorial Day.

On our last turn towards home on 164th street we ran into a good friend, Aurobinda, who is opening a new Indian food restaurant and store nearby.

We were happy that our Mongolian friend and Peace runner, Vanaraja, just happened to be there to greet us.

We were also fortunate to have the privilege of sharing the Peace torch with our good friends from Russia, Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov and his wife Bhuvaneswari.

Purushottama just finished a ten day and 8 city tour of performing his inspiring music in Canda and the U.S. as well. We are very grateful that he was here to share the Peace Torch with us. He has been inspiring people all over the world and spreading peace also with his meaningful and entertaining music since 1972.