Peace Run 2015 Slovakia we started in Trstena...
Mierový beh 2015 na Slovensku sme odštartovali v Trstenej...

... and right from the beginning children welcomed us with big enthusiasm.
... a hneď od začiatku nás deti vítali s veľkým nadšením.

The Mayor of the town Mr. Juraj Bernatak also gave us very warm welcome.
Pán primátor mesta Ing. Juraj Bernaťák nás tiež veľmi srdečne privítal.

It is so nice when people are helping each other... in this spirit one of our sketches for kids were presented.
Nič nie je krajšie, ako keď si ľudia pomáhajú... tak bola prezentovaná jedna zo scénok, ktoré sme si pre deti pripravili.

In silence we all looked within whether we could find there the sun shining.
V tichu sme sa spoločne do vnútra ponorili, aby sme tam žiariace slnko objavili.

Everybody was happy to join us running with the Mayor leading us.
Všetci si s nami s chuťou zabehali, s pánom primátorom na čele.

Kids from Tvrdosin Elementary School helped us to run through their town.
Deti zo základnej školy v Tvrdošíne nás o dušu hnali mestom.

Big and curious audience was waiting for us on the square.
Na námestí nás čakalo početné a zvedavé publikum.

These are not squats as a punishment, but the part of pantomime performance of our good fellow Vlado.
To nie sú drepy za trest, ale súčasť pantomimického vystúpenia nášho dobrého parťáka Vlada.

Deputy Mayor felt honoured to receive the torch in his town of Tvrdosin.
Zástupca mesta Tvrdošín sa cítil poctený prijať pochodeň vo svojom meste.

Beautiful nature was accompaning us for the whole time into our next destination - village Podbiel.
Krásna príroda nás sprevádzala po celý čas do nášho ďalšieho cieľa - dediny Podbiel.

No wonder that Vlado is very popular among children... with his childlike smile he gets everybody's heart.
Nečudo, že Vlado je u detí veľmi obľubený ... šibalským úsmevom si podmaní každého.

Those who could not run with us helped us with their smiles.
Tí, čo sa nepridali k nám behom, pomohli nám i svojím úsmevom.

The Mayor Slavomir Korcuska was very happy that the torch also came to his village.
Pán starosta Slavomír Korčuška bol nesmierne šťastný, že pochodeň zavítala i do jeho obce.

Kids were listening to us very attentively... some of them even with their open mouth.
Deti nás veľmi pozorne počúvali... niektoré aj s otvorenými ústami.

We received from kids another load of enthusiasm and strength, which helped us to continue on our way.
Deti nám na cestu pribalili ďalší kopec nadšenia a sily.

On our way to the village Oravsky Podzamok we met Patrik from Dolny Kubin, who was running opposite direction, but he did not hesitate to turn around and joined us almost until the end of our day. For that we are extremely grateful to him.
Na ceste do ďalšej obce Oravský podzámok sme natrafili na Patrika z Dolného Kubína, ktorý bežal opačným smerom ako my, no neváhal sa zvrtnúť a bežal s nami hodný kus cesty. Srdečne mu za to ďakujeme.

One of the most beautiful castles in Slovakia is Oravia Castle.
Jeden z najkrajších zámkov na Slovensku je práve Oravský Zámok.

Mirror, my mirror please tell me, who is running through the most beautiful Orava county?
Zrkadielko, zrkadielko povedzže mi, kto to beží po najkrajšej oravskej zemi?

Kids from Oravsky Podzamok are not only good and attentive, but also playful and creative.
Deti z Oravského Podzámku sú nie len dobré a poslušné, ale aj hravé a tvorivé.

Girls with their performance showed us, how people used to live in the village looong time ago.
Dievčatá nám svojím vystúpením ukázali, ako sa kedysi dávno žilo na dedine.

The school principal can be truly proud of her pupils.
Pani riaditeľka môže byť právom pyšná na svojich žiakov.

And we are heading further towards the city Dolny Kubin...
A my už bežíme ďalej do Dolného Kubína...

... where we "cooked" for us this great lunch... like we use to say "what the store has provided."
... kde sme si "ukuchtili" takýto parádny obed... ako sa povie "čo obchod dal."

While some of us were racing with the wind towards the village Parnica...
Zatiaľ čo niektorí bežali "o stošesť" do Párnice...

Into the village Parnica we were accompanied by the Mayor Milada Antalova herself. She ran in the front with the torch and the same enthusiasm as two years ago.
Do Párnice nás priviedla samotná pani starostka Milada Antalová na čele s pochodňou s rovnakým nadšením ako pred dvoma rokmi.

Although some of us did not recognize her, she definitely remembered us.
Kým poniektorí sme ju nespoznali, ona naopak spoznala nás.

This time the eldest as well as youngest people came to welcome us.
Tentokrát nás okrem najstarších obyvateľov obce prišli privítať aj tí najmenší.

The kids were so sweet that they awakened a sleeping child within each of us.
Detičky boli tak sladké, že prebudili driemajúce dieťa v každom z nás.

Our tiniest fan was almost persuaded to go with us... if only he could walk.
Náš najmenší fanúšik už bol tak nalomený, že by hádam aj išiel s nami... len keby tak chodiť vedel.

We could not miss the opportunity to visit Parnica's pride - Museum of traditions, thanks to which we again traveled back in time.
Nemohli sme samozrejme obísť ani párnické Múzeum - pýchu obce, vďaka čomu sme sa opäť mohli trochu vrátiť späť v čase.

Also refreshment was specially made for us according to the old traditions... everything fresh and homemade... prepared with love.
Aj občerstvenie bolo pre nás pripravené po domácky podľa starých tradícií... všetko čerstvé s láskou doma urobené.

The inhabitants of Parnica, thank you for another wonderful experience in your village.
Párničania, opäť vrelá vďaka za krásny zážitok vo vašej obci.