We started the day by thanking one of the women from the "Kirkjubæjarklaustur Ladies Society" who very kindly let us into the school. We met them at the information centre as they were having a bake sale to raise money for an up coming trip to Edinburgh.
Við hófum daginn með því að þakka Kirkjubæjarskóla og Karítas frá kvenfélaginu, sem leyfðu okkur að gista og hleyptu okkur inn í skólann.

We stopped in at Kjarval supermarket to pick up our groceries.
Enn einn daginn hófum með því að versla við Kjarval

Kjarval had very graciously offered to support the Run by providing us with food for the first week of the run. THANK YOU!
Því Kjarvalsverslanirnar styrktu hlaupið með því að bjóða okkur upp á mat fyrir 5 daga. Kærar þakkir!

Each feature has its own personality and Icelandic mythical culture weaves fantastic animated stories into these powerful cliffs and bluffs that are intricately laced with both fine and powerful water falls.
Sérhvert fjall býr yfir sínum eigin persónuleika og íslenskar goðsagnir spinna sagnavef um þessa kröftugu hamra sem gjarnan búa yfir fallegum og kröftugum fossum.

Today was exceptionally windy, particularly for one team.
Í dag var einstaklega vindasamt, sérstaklega fyrir annað liðið.

The wind was 80 kilometers per hour (50 mph) with some gusts far exceeeding that.
Vindurinn var um 80km/klst. og náðu sumar hviðurnar töluvert meiri hraða.

Danival's hair tells a story of a very stiff head wind.
Á hári Danivals má sjá hve stífur vindurinn var.

Suren navigates his way through the icebergs that were deposited on the black sand beach.
Suren sikksakkar fram hjá ísjökum á Breiðamerkursandi.

Team Italia thought they were on the Sicilian beaches.
Ítölsku stelpurnar tóku á mót ströndinni eins og hún væri á Sikiley.

There were lots of remarkable figures to be found in the ice.
Sjá mátti margar undraverðar ísmyndir.

Our next activity was a boat ride out into the glacial lagoon.
Næst var okkur boðið í bátsferð á jökulsárlóni.

Our guide, a spanish gentleman, pointed out many of the fascinating facts.
Hinn spænski leiðsögumaður okkar benti okkur á margar athyglisverðar staðreyndir.

Our friend, the ever present and quite agressive arctic tern, caught some breakfast.
Krían ávallt á sveymi og hér búin að ná sér í morgunmat.

This man followed us for the entire tour. His job is to rescue anyone should they fall in.
Björgunarbátur fylgdi okkur alla leið.

The boat drives straight ino the water so it is pretty handy. A big THANK YOU Jökulsárlón for the free ride!
Kærar þakkir Jökulsárlón fyrir bátsferðina!

We were really delighted to receive a meal for the team.
En svo var okkur boðið upp á ókeypis máltíð.