The Colorado Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run begins! When we got to Colorado Springs our first stop was very auspicious, the incredible US National Natural Landmark, Garden of the Gods.

Garden of the Gods was a gift to the city of Colorado Springs in 1909 from the Charles Elliott Perkins family in fulfilment of his wish that it be kept forever free to the public.

Gratitude to SUPER 8 Garden of the Gods, for offering us lovely accomodation. Sonal Patel is pictured with our team holding the Peace Torch. Thank you Sonal and all the staff of SUPER 8!

Children listened enthusiastically to the story of the Peace Run and our journey through the great state of Colorado.

Cathy Oerter is pictured presenting Juan Castenada of 5th grade the Al Oerter Foundation Outstanding Student Award.The Al Oerter Foundation fosters character and integrity through sports and the arts. Cathy Oerter is the wife of late 4-time discus Olympic Gold medalist Al Oerter. She spoke with students about the values of respect, hard work and fair-play which inspires self-confidence and a passion for excellence in all avenues of life.

Juan happens to be the first ever recipient of this award which was created to recognise students who represent the ideals of the Al Oerter Foundation.

We offered our certificate of appreciation to all the students and teachers of Queen Palmer Elementary School.

Juan was the first out of ten children on our journey across Colorado to write a collective story about what Peace means to them.

We were thrilled that the CIVA Charter cross country team met us at Queen Palmer Elementary and ran the torch 5 1/2 miles to their high school.

Cathy Oerter introduced her husband Al's ideals and achievements to the students, setting the backdrop for the Al Oerter Foundation Outstanding Student Award to be presented.

Kurt Brusche, an inspiring abstract artist, ultimate frisbee player, and all around excellent student was the chosen recipient of the Award.

Kurt shared his ideas for world peace, continuing the story started by Juan from Queen Palmer Elementary school.

Our next stop was the Colorado Springs School where Academic Dean Eric Gaylord welcomed the Peace Runners.

Our next stop was the United States Olympic Committee Headquarters. Pictured are old friends, USA Team Handball Coach Mike Cavanaugh, Cathy Oerter and USA Team Handball Olympian Greg Morava.

Three time Olympian Cindy Stinger of the United States Olympic Committee recieved the Torch-Bearer Award in honour of her tremendous service to the Olympians for the past 28 years. Cindy is a dear friend of Cathy Oerter and the Peace Run. On receiving the award she gave an incredibly heart-felt speech about how much inspiration she has received from her fellow workers and Olympians, particularly Al Oerter. We were also touched by her moving recognition of Peace Run founder, Sri Chinmoy, and the similarities she noted between the ideals of the Olympics and the Peace Run. There was hardly a dry eye in the room! Her dedication to the unlimited potential of the human spirit and preserving the ideals of the Olympics is remarkable.

After the award presentation we were honored to view the archives of former US Olympic champions. Cathy is pictured in front of her husband Al Oerter's Olympic jacket and competitive discus from the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games.

Next up we were thrilled to be invited on a special tour of the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.

Erica Hutchinson of the Olympic Training visitors center was our wonderful guide and she really impressed us with her extensive knowledge of the thirty five acre complex.

The athletes sometimes train in a hyperbaric chamber to acclimate themselves to a variety of elevations.

The Aquatic Center is 45,000 sq feet. An overhead catwalk and underwater cameras allow for filming athletes both above and below water for testing purposes.