The students from Colegio Nuevo Amanecer met us in the street about 1 km from their school.
Los estudiantes del Colegio Nuevo Amanecer nos recibieron en la calle a 1 km. aproximadamente de su centro.

They ran with us enthusiastically to the school grounds.
Ellos corrieron con nosotros con mucho entusiasmo hasta las instalaciones del colegio.

As we entered there was quite literally a deafening roar of welcome.
Cuando entramos hubo literalmente un rugido de bienvenida.

The entire school body formed a guard of honor as we made our way to the assemby hall.
Todo el cuerpo escolar formo una guardia de honor a nuestro paso a la sala de actos.

These girls performed the World Harmony Run song for us in spanish.
Estas chicas cantaron para nosotros la cancion de la Carrera por la Armonia Mundial en espanol.

Joanna also read out a heartfelt poem. She said later that she was going to write her own poem to read to us the next time we came.
Joanna tambien recito un poema desde el corazon. Luego nos dijo que escrbiria su propio poema para la proxima vez que les visitaramos.

The choir performing the World Harmony Run song.
El coro cantando la cancion de la Carrera por la Armonia Mundial.

We invited them on stage to teach the song and to demonstrate the actions that go with our World Harmony Run song which Sri Chinmoy composed in 2005.
Les invitamos a subir al escenario para ensenar la cancion y su coreografia.

We presented our certificate of appreciation to the representatives of the school.
Presentamos nuestro certificado de apreciacion a los representantes del colegio.

All the students had a chance to hold the torch.
Todos los estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de agarrar la antorcha.